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These are five of the most important words ever spoken in the Bible. The disciples’ desire should be ours. Prayer is God’s ordained mode of communication with Him. In simpler terms, it’s how we talk to God and listen for his response.

Without prayer Abraham wouldn’t have gone to the land God promised. Without prayer, Hannah would never have given birth to a son who would become the great prophet, Samuel. Without prayer in an upper room in Jerusalem, nobody would have received the gift of the Holy Ghost on the Day of Pentecost.

Prayer is the very foundation upon which Jesus built His church, and it is still the most vital part of His church today. Programs are great, and we need them.  Organization is wonderful. Creativity is important and needed to reach the lost. None of these things can make up for or replace prayer. If all of our programs, technology, organization, and creativity were suddenly taken from us, we would survive to build again…through prayer.

The World Network of Prayer-Texas District is an extension of the World Network of Prayer UPCI. Our goals include promoting the WNOP-UPCI, promoting increased prayer throughout our district, encouraging every section of the Texas District to schedule prayer events, and assisting other Texas District ministries with prayer opportunities at their events.

Our hope is that the WNOP-Texas District will ultimately stir the coals and stoke the fires of prayer in our district, in our sections, in every local church, and finally in the hearts of every saint of God.  Let us all purpose to pray more in the Texas District.

We are very excited about the future of the WNOP-Texas District; however, these things will not be possible without the help and assistance of the WNOP-Texas District Committee. The committee is made up of twelve people, one from each section, and the District Coordinator.


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